Friday 18 April 2014

Jamaicans being taxed for bank withdrawal ( My Views ).

So we are going to be taxed for bank withdrawal ? This is not even a country anymore this is a JOKE. People idolize Jamaica but do not know the stress that the population goes through. 
Taxing withdrawal really ? That's the lowest the government have gone; the " interest " that we getting for having our money in banks is not even really a interest.
All the bank do with our money is invest it in stock market and other business they should be giving us a bigger interest rate. I hate to see what my country is coming to. If you want to tax people so badly tax Portia, Peter, Bruce for their constant lies, tax the police for killing innocents, tax Alkaline confusing the minds of the young.
What happen to sweet sweet Jamaica that Miss LOU spoke about seems like all that died when she did.
People let's not discuss this and do nothing about it. Let's make a difference because if you did not know Jamaica is OURS, we choose what and who we want and if we stand up for something it cannot be rejected.
If we let this slide they will be taxing us for oxygen.
We have a voice. USE IT AND BE HEARD. Look at when Lime was the lead communications group in Digicel and then Digicel came and took lead. You think digicel could have done that on their own if it was wasn't for us ??? Nah they could not have done it. People please stop let the people in government lead us in the wrong direction. A wise man once said, " the way to become a leader is to listen ". The government is lacking that.

Thursday 17 April 2014

Who Am I ?

Am sure everyone has gone through the stage that I like to call " The Identity Stage ". Why ? - Because this is the stage where we are trying to figure out who we are and what our purpose in life shall be. 
Of course I went through the stage when I was in grade 9 and it transitioned through grade 10. But the funny thing is the person who I was in those grades is not the person I am now. I've faced obstacles, I've faced and seen death and those things actually change my perception of the person I wanted to be. When I have my flash backs and look at how far I've come I cry and those tears are not tears of despair but tears of joy & happiness. But the question is what defines me ? Is it the the clothes I wear, my body type my awesome personality ? Truth is I myself can't even answer that.
I have moments where I feel like I'm bi-polar and no it's not because I'm a woman :|, I have moments where I just don't know and that is exactly what it is I just don't know. I keep telling myself that I don't like people but then people are always attracted to my personality & because of that I choose to be careful of who I let in my circle. I mean I will talk to people but there be certain things I keep to myself and here's a HINT you learn more about someone by listening to their speech.
I love, like, hate, dislike, care, get angry, be affectionate, get crazy, be chill, laugh, cry, smile, smirk, investigate, risk-taker, party goer, make up lover; but that does not define me fully. Right now I can say I may not be able to give a full description of who I am but I'm living and growing each day and I'm liking the person that I'm becoming.