Thursday 17 April 2014

Who Am I ?

Am sure everyone has gone through the stage that I like to call " The Identity Stage ". Why ? - Because this is the stage where we are trying to figure out who we are and what our purpose in life shall be. 
Of course I went through the stage when I was in grade 9 and it transitioned through grade 10. But the funny thing is the person who I was in those grades is not the person I am now. I've faced obstacles, I've faced and seen death and those things actually change my perception of the person I wanted to be. When I have my flash backs and look at how far I've come I cry and those tears are not tears of despair but tears of joy & happiness. But the question is what defines me ? Is it the the clothes I wear, my body type my awesome personality ? Truth is I myself can't even answer that.
I have moments where I feel like I'm bi-polar and no it's not because I'm a woman :|, I have moments where I just don't know and that is exactly what it is I just don't know. I keep telling myself that I don't like people but then people are always attracted to my personality & because of that I choose to be careful of who I let in my circle. I mean I will talk to people but there be certain things I keep to myself and here's a HINT you learn more about someone by listening to their speech.
I love, like, hate, dislike, care, get angry, be affectionate, get crazy, be chill, laugh, cry, smile, smirk, investigate, risk-taker, party goer, make up lover; but that does not define me fully. Right now I can say I may not be able to give a full description of who I am but I'm living and growing each day and I'm liking the person that I'm becoming.

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